Tonight, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law came over to hang out. After we ate dinner, the boys went outside to hang a UV-blind, and Clayton was keeping Rae Ann busy bossing her around. For a few minutes, I was just enjoying the fact that I was not the one being bossed around. Clayton had done all of her usual sweet things she does to entertain know, thinking that they are at her call or snap of the finger.
Anyway, Clayton had brought "Rae" into the living room with a baby doll. Clayton had also brought a couple of her "kitchen" items in. Rae Ann was rocking the baby doll, and Clayton was trying to get her to follow her back into the playroom. Rae Ann asked Clayton if she had the baby bottle...hoping that Clayton would go to the playroom by herself, get it, and forget that they were supposed to go into the playroom together! So, the conversation went like this:
(Rae Ann) Clayton, don't you want to go get the baby's bottle? It's in the play room.
(Me) You can go get it and bring it back to Rae...
(Clayton), thanks! Come on, Rae, let's get it!
(Rae Ann) Can you go get it and bring it back to me?
(Clayton) No, sir! 'mon, Rae, go get it!
I don't know where this sassy attitude comes from?!?!?!
And yes, I know that she will be the child that is bossing all of the other kids at school!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Funny Little Clayton Story...
Posted by Jenn at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Funny Story...
So...after lunch, Clayton and I were hanging out, and she said, "Mommy, I wanna a cookie." I told her that we didn't have any cookies at our house. She said, "Ok, Mommy, Mamaw's house, come on, let's go! Mamaw has em her house!" She is such a mess!!!
And here are a couple of pictures that we took with her Minnie ears on...
Posted by Jenn at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
A New Park...
I know you probably get tired of park pictures, but it IS what we do! This is a new park we is Redd Cane Park. It had a pond and some ducks...but Clayton was scared of the ducks and geese!!! It also has tons of concrete around a trail, so we should be able to take Clayton's jeep and let her drive it through there!!!
Posted by Jenn at 9:10 PM 1 comments
Clayton's Magazine Debut!!!
Below is the link to the Portrait Pros advertisement that appeared in the Coupon Clipper magazine this past week. I didn't even know about it until a friend brought it to school and showed it to me...CRAZY!!! Kinda cool, though!!!
Posted by Jenn at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A Couple of Tricks...
I am not the most talented at videos...but here are a couple of short clips from this week!
Posted by Jenn at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Random Pre-Spring Break!
The weekend before Granna's break, Big Clayton and Granna came to visit...they met us in Rockwall because we had been to Lauren Clayton's 2nd birthday party. Clayton fell in love with the little kitchen Lauren had gotten. She played with it like she has never played with anything!!! And because she loved it so much, I went on Craig's list the next morning and found one that we ended up buying that afternoon!!! It was a great deal, and we had never done Craig's List before! We picked it up in Bedford for $30, and it came with tons of dishes and plastic food! Clayton LOVES it, and it was perfect for us because we weren't ready to invest in the magnificant kitchen that we will eventually buy her...and this totally works for now!!!
We also went to the park that, of course, I HAD to take some pictures of that!!!
Below are some pictures from Lauren's party!
Posted by Jenn at 11:45 PM 0 comments
Makin' Cookies!!!
Posted by Jenn at 11:18 PM 0 comments
Mule Riding...
So...when we got to Big Clayton and Granna's house, we always go for a mule ride! Clayton LOVES it...she always gets to see cows, horses, and donkeys. Big Clayton always stops and tries to "talk" to all of the animals. Last night, she was ready to go on her ride because she wanted to see the "aminals" as she was calling them! She was so excited! She rode in the back with Ca-Ca and I most of the time. We stopped to see the cows and she kept telling us they were "tuck in the fence." It was really cute! That was her way of reassuring herself that they would not come to get her. At one point, we pulled off the main black top road and saw some deer. We ask Clayton what they were, and she replied, "Reindeer, Reindeer!" She then went out to say, "Reindeer eat they dinner, corn!" Wow...we were very impressed with that! Our little baby isn't a baby any more...she is a little girl! She can express herself in sentences and comes up with things we have no idea how or why she remembers them!!!
I will add a couple of pictures as soon as I load them on the camera!!!
On a side note, we went to Granna's school yesterday to let Granna show her off. After roaming all around the school and walking into random classrooms to sit at desks and wave at kids, we went back to Granna's room. Clayton was trying to climb in one of the "plastic" chairs that all schools know, the ones with the holes in the see where this is going, yet?!!? Well, Clayton's way of climbing into chairs is to get her upper body in it and pull herself up with her arms around the, she started climbing in the chair and then started yelling "I tuck, I tuck...hep, Granna, Mommy, Daddy, I tuck!" Granna was nearby, so she tried to get her head out, and bless her heart, she was really stuck!!! Luckily, Mark was there and was able to turn her head sideways, so she could get her OUT!!! Unfortunately, I couldn't get a picture because it was too awful at the time!!! She was SOOO upset!!! For the very few minutes that her head was stuck, I kept thinking, "Oh, no, we are gonna have to get a saw or something to get her head out!!!" Luckily after a few tears and getting to sit in the chair and type on the computer, she was healed!!! (One more note...her new favorite thing to do is play "I tuck, hep, I tuck" so it wasn't uncommon for her to start yelling that before we actually realize that she wasn't "playing" this time!!!
Posted by Jenn at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Fun with the G'Parents!
Posted by Jenn at 10:36 AM 0 comments