
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, August 13, 2010

Dance Recital

Dance Invasion!!! This is a picture from the end of the recital when ALL of the dance company was on the stage!!! (Well, everyone that was still there!!!)

Granna, CaCa, Uncle Grant, Aunt Starla, Keldan, Briley, Mommy and Daddy all came to my recital!!!

The Bunny Rabbit Blues

Both of the classes together performed during Act II- "The Wheels on the Bus"

Clayton next to her friend Mary

Clayton's favorite part was the Daddy/Daughter dance at the end of the program! She got to dance on stage with her daddy!!!

Treats for being a WONDERFUL dancer!!!

Mrs. Jami, Clayton's dance teacher (and owner of the company)

Worn out little dancer!!! She was sooo excited that she got to eat her look-alike cookie!!!