Let's Go Joey!!!Joey is playing football for Ottawa University in Kansas, so we went to SAGU to watch Joey play last Saturday. The weather wasn't bad, but the sun was OUT...so Clayton and I only watched a little bit of the game...and entertained ourselves in the shade or truck the rest of the time. It was great to see Joey...and so great to watch him playing COLLEGE football. He and Mark have a special relationship. He was at Glenview (as a sophomore) when Mark got his first offical teaching/coaching job at Glenview. He and Mark immediately had a bond. Debra, Joey's mom was the athletic secretary at Glenview, and so we started hanging out with his family after games, etc. We loved hanging out with Roger and Debra because we could watch them live out real Godly, parenting with their three (extremely diverse) children (while we were contemplating having one of our own!). Things went down at Glenview that just weren't right, and Debra was asked not to return to Glenview...therefore, Joey didn't go back to Glenview...Mark had already questioned whether or not to go back to Glenview...and this helped him decide to just put it all out there and see where the Lord might take him...and HE opened up some doors for Mark to go to Arlington ISD and take a break from private school junk and politics that we had been dealing with for several years...and that is all because of the Erwins. If Joey had stayed at Glenview, Mark wouldn't have even thought about leaving...so God used an unfortunate circumstance with the Erwins to spur us on to a new place that He was calling us! All that to say...Joey had a rough Senior year...we lost Debra to a battle with cancer on Christmas Day...and through his mom's long, hard sickness and transferring from private to public school after going to Glenview his entire life, Joey has persevered and really made it! We are SOOO proud of him and what he is doing. It was great to see him last weekend and watch him play college ball! WE LOVE YOU JOE!
Clayton being entertained by her Daddy!
Joey is # 32
Joey and Dad, Roger
Joey and Mark
Mark, Joey, Clayton, and Me
Clayton crying because Jef scared her!
Joey and his sister, Kerri
Joey and his bro, Jef
#32 Big Joe
Quest or Quench
1 year ago
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